

Phytophotodermatitis is a chemical reaction which makes skin hypersensitive to ultraviolet light. It is frequently mistaken for hereditary conditions such as atopic dermatitis or chemical burns, but it is caused by contact with the photosensitizing compounds found naturally in some plants. [cite journal |author=Solis RR, Dotson DA, Trizna Z |title=Phytophotodermatitis: a sometimes difficult diagnosis |journal=Arch Fam Med |volume=9 |issue=10 |pages=1195–6 |year=2000 |pmid=11115230 |doi= |url= ]


The symptoms are equivalent to photodermatitis, but vary in degree.symptoms may include an itchy red rash, that may blister, and appear within minutes to the reaction.


* Umbelliferae [ [ Photocontact dermatitis. DermNet NZ ] ]
** Wild parsnip [cite journal |author=Lutchman L, Inyang V, Hodgkinson D |title=Phytophotodermatitis associated with parsnip picking |journal=J Accid Emerg Med |volume=16 |issue=6 |pages=453–4 |year=1999 |month=Nov |pmid=10572825 |pmc=1343418 |doi= |url=]
** Giant hogweed [ [ Giant Hogweed phytophotodermatitis] GPnotebook login required]
** Wild carrot [EMedicine|DERM|324|Phytophotodermatitis]
* Rutaceae
** Lime [cite journal |author=Weber IC, Davis CP, Greeson DM |title=Phytophotodermatitis: the other "lime" disease |journal=J Emerg Med |volume=17 |issue=2 |pages=235–7 |year=1999 |pmid=10195477 |doi= |url=] [ [ Phytophotodermatitis - Consultant Live ] ]
* Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, which can infect celery [CDC MMWR [ Phytophotodermatitis among Grocery Workers - Ohio ] ]


Phytophotodermatitis takes ten minutes to set in after exposure to a photosensitizing plant. If the exposed person gets indoors within ten minutes, damage to the skin can be prevented because artificial light does not cause blistering. The photosensitivity can persist for 6–8 hours.Avoiding scratching the affected area, and apply Aloe Vera liberally to soothe the area. If sypmtoms persist for more then 2 days consult a doctor and ask for a perscription cream. Taking benadryll allergy will also help remove the rash.


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