

Infobox Islands
name = Peleng

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location = South East Asia
coordinates= coord|1|24|S|123|10|E|region:ID_type:isle
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country = Indonesia
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Peleng is an island off the East coast of Sulawesi, Indonesia and is the largest island of the Banggai Islands ("Kepulauan Banggai") group of islands. It is surrounded by the Banda Sea and Molucca Sea and has an area of 2406 km².

There are five district capitals on the island being Bulagi, Tataba, Liang, Salakan and Sambiut.The majority of people on this Peleng Island make their living planting coconuts, sweet potatoes, or fishing. The islands largest cities are Basiano and Bonganang.

Some of the smaller islands surrounding Peleng of the Banggai Islands group are Banggai Island, Bowokan, Labobo, Kebongan, Kotudan, Tropettenando, Timpau, Salue Besar, Salue Kecil, Masepe, and Bangkulu.

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