- Alan Dutton
Alan Dutton is a member of the [http://www.stopracism.ca Canadian Anti-racism Education and Research Society] . He is an expert on the impact of racism on individuals, institutions and society and specializes in methods to help youth recover from recruitment into political extremist groups. He has received the [http://www.mosaicbc.com/whats_new_awards_humanrights.asp MOSAIC human rights award] , an award for combating racism from the BC Ministry of the Attorney General and an award of appreciation for government service from the Ministry of Multiculturalism and Immigration.
Dutton holds a B.A. in Psychology from the [http://www.uvic.ca/ University of Victoria] , an M.A. in Sociology from the University of Victoria and was a doctoral candidate (ABD) at [http://www.sfu.ca/ Simon Fraser University] where he was awarded the [http://www.sfu.ca/dean-gradstudies/current/funding/documents/nelsones.pdf C.D. Nelson Memorial Scholarship] . He holds a Certificate in Computer and Information Security from [http://www.langara.bc.ca/ Langara College] and an Associate Certificate (Hon.) in Web Technologies from the [http://www.bcit.ca/ B.C. Institute of Technology] . He has taught upper-level ethnic relations courses at Simon Fraser University, the University of Victoria and in the First Nations [http://landoftheshuswap.com/msite/bandname.php Secwepmec] and Corrections Canada programs.
Dutton was accepted as an expert witness on racism by the [http://www.olrb.gov.on.ca/english/homepage.htm Ontario Labour Relations Board] in an appeal by Paul Fromm of his termination by the Peel School Board [ [http://www.oct.ca/investigations_hearings/decision_summaries/March_08/fromm.aspx?lang=en-CA Findings of the Ontario College of Teachers regarding Paul Fromm] ] and provided a report on the impact of Paul Fromm’s associations and activities. [Dutton, A. (1998) Report on the Impact on Youth, Families and the Community of the Groups and Individuals with whom Paul From is Associated] Dutton was also accepted by the Supreme Court of BC as an expert on the impact of racism on juries in a case alleging discrimination by the [http://www.icbc.com/ Insurance Company of B.C.]
Dutton has been criticized for being an enemy of free speech, a “notorious” fundraiser for the “thought police” [ [http://www.canadianfreespeech.com/portal/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=98&Itemid=33 canadianfreespeech] ] and a Jewish zealot who funnels “money to employees of Bnai brith [sic] such as
Warman , Abrams, and others.” [ [http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php/infiltration-richard-warman-presentation-338597.html stormfront] ]Government Service
Dutton served on the [http://www.sshrc.ca/ Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada] funding review committee from 2004-2006 and the “Blueprint for Change” steering committee struck by the [http://www.dir.gov.bc.ca/gtds.cgi?show=Branch&organizationCode=AG&organizationalUnitCode=SETMULT Settlement and Multiculturalism Branch] in 2004 to establish a five year strategic direction on anti-racism and multiculturalism for the province of [http://www.gov.bc.ca/ British Columbia] .
Dutton served on the [http://www.pch.gc.ca/progs/multi/wcar/Res/bkgrnd/advisory_e.cfm Advisory Committee to the Canadian Secretariat - World Conference Against Racism (WCAR)] in 2000 and chaired the Hate and New Media Working Group. The Working Group co-authored a detailed report on [http://www.pch.gc.ca/progs/multi/wcar/advisory/hate-on-the-net_e.cfm Combating Hate on the Internet] with extensive recommendations. Dutton was a delegate of the [http://www.canada.gc.ca/home.html Government of Canada] to the [http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/human_rights/doc/gac_07_01.htm European Union] preparatory conference for the [http://www.un.org/WCAR/ United Nations World Conference Against Racism] and was sponsored to attend the United Nations WCAR in Durban South Africa. [ [http://www.canadianheritage.gc.ca/progs/multi/wcar/event-act/list-del-durban_e.cfm List of Delegates to the WCAR sponsored by the Government of Canada] ] Dutton also supervised the organization of the Government of BC’s five regional preparatory conferences for the World Conference and co-edited the report of the recommendations of the conferences. [Equality, dignity, justice: united to combat racism. Preparations for the world conference against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. Multiculturalism BC. ISBN 0-7726-4591-4]
Dutton was part of a team that provided Corrections Canada research and workshops on hate groups in prisons. Matsqui Institution won an award from the Attorney General of B.C. for undertaking the workshops and training. Dutton also contributed to the Aboriginal Hate Crimes Forums, November 1999 funded by Multiculturalism BC and helped organize Anti-racism Terminology, Concepts and Training [Anti-racism Terminology, Concepts and Training. Multiculturalism BC ISBN 0-7726-2334-1]
Dutton also served as a member of the [http://www.pch.gc.ca/newsroom/index_e.cfm?fuseaction=displayDocument&DocIDCd=9NR165 Government of Canada Roundtable on Hate Crime] , co-authored the research paper, Hate Propaganda, for the Department of Justice Canada, provided training for Judges on hate crime, and was twice appointed to the BC [http://www.lcs.gov.bc.ca/BRDO/boardView.asp?boardNum=5284 Advisory Council on Multiculturalism] .
Community Service
Dutton has been a keynote speaker at many conferences on civil rights and has organized several major conferences on anti-racism and hate on the net, including:
Anti-racism Online with support from the [http://www.nupge.ca/news_2002/news_no02/n18no02a.htm BC Human Rights Commission] and [http://www.sfu.ca/ Simon Fraser University] .
Organizing Against Hate with support from the [http://canada.gc.ca/home.html Government of Canada] , [http://www.gov.bc.ca/ Province of British Columbia] , [http://www.kamloops.ca/index.shtml City of Kamloops] and the [http://www.immigrantservices.ca/ Kamloops and District Immigrant Settlement Society] .
Anti-racism and the Workplace with support from the [http://canada.gc.ca/home.html Government of Canada] , [http://www.gov.bc.ca/ Province of British Columbia] , the [http://www.kelowna.ca/cm/site3.aspx City of Kelowna] and the [http://www.bcfed.ca/ BC Federation of Labour] .
Anti-racism: Terminology, Concepts and Training with support from the [http://www.gov.bc.ca/ Province of British Columbia] , Ministry Responsible for Multiculturalism and Human Rights. [Anti-racism: Terminology, Concepts and Training. Multiculturalism BC. ISBN 0-7726-2334-1]
Multiculturalism In Surrey with support from the [http://www.gov.bc.ca/ Province of British Columbia] , the [http://www.surrey.ca/default.htm City of Surrey] and the [http://www.sdiss.org/ Surrey and Delta Immigrant Settlement Society] .
Towards a Dialogue with support from the Sal'i'shan Institute, [http://www.unns.bc.ca/ United Native Nations] and the [http://www.musqueam.bc.ca/Default.htm Musqueam Band] , [http://canada.gc.ca/home.html Government of Canada] , [http://www.gov.bc.ca/ Province of British Columbia] . [See Towards a Dialogue: Proceedings of a Conference on Colonialism held in Vancouver, B.C. ISBN 0-9696026-0-X]
Racism, Hate Crime and the Law [ [http://books.google.ca/books?id=3NjcAAAACAAJ&dq=Alan+Dutton Dutton. A. et al (ed.) Racism, Hate Crime and the Law. CAERS (1995) ] ] with support from the province of [http://www.gov.bc.ca/ Province of British Columbia] .
Dutton has received support from the [http://www.nfb.ca/splash/splash.php?v=h&lg=en National Film Board of Canada] , the [http://www.canadianheritage.gc.ca/ Department of Canadian Heritage] , the [http://www.gov.bc.ca/ Province of British Columbia] and [http://www.knowledgenetwork.ca/ Knowledge Network] to interview leaders and present and former members of racist groups to produce educational resources for police, educators and social services on the recruitment and recovery of youth from racist groups.
Dutton and the [http://www.jewishindependent.ca/Archives/Sept05/archives05Sept02-03.html Jewish Western Bulletin] were sued for libel when Dutton was quoted as saying that radio station [http://www.team1040.ca/ AM 1040] was broadcasting interviews with racists. AM 1040 had broadcast extensive interviews with
Paul Fromm ,David Irving , Doug Collins of the North Shore News, [Collins was found to be in violation of the BC Human Rights Code for a series of articles published in the North Shore News. See Abrams v. Collins and the North Shore News] Charles Scott of the Church of Jesus Christ in Israel, [Scott was a well known racist recruiter for Aryan Nations and Christian identity groups.] and Tony McAleer of the White Aryan Resistance Movement. [Tony McAleer was found to be in breach of the Canadian Human Rights Act for racist telephone messages and was jailed for contempt when he moved his hate telephone line to the USA to circumvent Canadian law.] [The White Aryan Resistance Movement was a racist California based group. The leader was Tom Metzger who was found to have encouraged the murder of an African immigrant in Portland, Oregon.] [A Vancouver radio station sues an anti-racism lobby group. Jerry Collins. Alberta Report / June 3, 1996] The [http://www.straight.com/ Georgia Straight] carried the same allegations as the Jewish Western Bulletin but was not sued. The case went to discovery but was dropped. AM 1040 paid legal costs.Paul Fromm of [http://www.canadianfreespeech.com Canadian Free Speech] states that Dutton is a "communist" and a "red fascist" who organizes riots to silence dissent. Writing about a demonstration at the [http://www.vpl.vancouver.bc.ca/ Vancouver Public Library] , Fromm states that:"... Why the A.G.'s shock troops? Because the chief organizer of this riot was Alan Dutton of CAERS, the Canadian Anti-Racism and Research Society, which should more properly be called the Anti-Free Speech League. Dutton is a communist and receives government grants through the Multiculturalism and Immigration Community Liaison Branch of about $100,000 a year, a unit controlled by Dosanjh. [ [http://www.canadianfreespeech.com/portal/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=98&Itemid=33 Canadian Free Speech] ]
"Dutton does physically what the NDP government does by other means. It was interesting, I [Fromm] said, that while Dutton directs his Red Fascists, the Attorney General is trying to quash my application for a judicial review of the Human Rights Code, which in effect is an appeal designed to render ultra vires a law that totalitarians would approve of. Dutton and Dosanjh move in symbiotic tandem." [ [http://www.canadianfreespeech.com/portal/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=98&Itemid=33 Canadian Free Speech] ]
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