Tang poetry

Tang poetry

Tang poetry refers to poetry written during China's Tang dynasty, often considered as the Golden Age of Chinese poetry. According to a compilation created under the Kangxi emperor of the Qing Dynasty, there were almost 50,000 Tang poems written by over 2,200 authors.cite book|last=Chey|first=Ong Siew|title=China Condensed: 5000 Years of History & Culture|publisher=Marshall Cavendish|date=2005|pages=139|isbn=9812610677|accessdate=July 17, 2008] During the Tang Dynasty, poetry became an important part of social life at all levels of society. Scholars were required to master poetry for the civil service examinations, but the art was available to everyone.cite book|last=Jing-Schmidt|first=Zhuo|title=Dramatized discourse: the Mandarin Chinese ba-construction|publisher=John Benjamins Publishing Company|date=2005|pages=256|isbn=9027215650|accessdate=July 20, 2008] This led to a large record of poetry and poets, a partial record of which survives today. Two of the most famous poets of the period were Du Fu and Li Bo.cite book|last=Hoyt|first=Ed|coauthors=Vanessa Lide Whitcomb, Michael Benson|title=The Complete Idiot's Guide to Modern China|publisher=Alpha Books|date=2002|pages=27|isbn=0028643860|accessdate=July 20, 2008]

ee also

*Three Hundred Tang Poems
* [http://afpc.asso.fr/wengu/wg/wengu.php?l=Tangshi Three Hundred Tang Poems] (online : Chinese + English)


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