Rock tripe

Rock tripe

name = Rock tripe
regnum = Fungi

image_caption = "Umbilicaria" growing on a rock
divisio = Ascomycota
classis = Lecanoromycetes
familia = Umbilicariaceae
genus = "Umbilicaria"
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = "Umbilicaria americana" (Frosted rock tripe)
"Umbilicaria angulata"
"Umbilicaria aprina"
"Umbilicaria arctica"
"Umbilicaria caroliniana"
"Umbilicaria cinereorufescens"
"Umbilicaria crustulosa"
"Umbilicaria cylindrica"
"Umbilicaria decussata"
"Umbilicaria deusta"
"Umbilicaria esculenta"
"Umbilicaria havaasii"
"Umbilicaria hirsuta"
"Umbilicaria hyperborea" (Blistered rock tripe)
"Umbilicaria krascheninnikovii" (Salty rock tripe )
"Umbilicaria lambii"
"Umbilicaria leiocarpa"
"Umbilicaria lyngei"
"Umbilicaria mammulata"
"Umbilicaria muehlenbergii"
"Umbilicaria nylanderiana"
"Umbilicaria phaea"
"Umbilicaria polyphylla"
"Umbilicaria polyrrhiza"
"Umbilicaria proboscidea"
"Umbilicaria rigida"
"Umbilicaria scholanderi"
"Umbilicaria terrefacta"
"Umbilicaria vellea" (Alpine rock tripe)
"Umbilicaria virginis"

Rock tripe is a lichen of the genus "Umbilicaria" that grows on rocks. It can be found throughout northern parts of North America such as New England and the Rocky Mountains. It is edible when properly prepared and has been used as a food source in extreme cases when other food sources were unavailable, such as by early American northern explorers.

It is commonly used as a food in Korean cuisine (석이버섯) and used in Japanese (岩茸) and Chinese cuisine and traditional medicines (石耳) as a restorative.



*ITIS|ID=191815|taxon=Umbilicaria|year=2005|date=June 23

External links

* [ Edible plants]
* [ Lichens]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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