

Infobox Korean name
The piri is a Korean double reed instrument, used in both the folk and classical (court) music of Korea. It is made of bamboo. Its large reed and cylindrical bore gives it a sound mellower than that of many other types of oboe.

There are four types of "piri":
#Hyang piri (hangul: _ko. 향피리; hanja: _ko. )
#Se piri (hangul: _ko. 세피리; hanja: _ko. )
#Dang piri (hangul: _ko. 당피리; hanja: _ko. )
#Dae piri ( _ko. 대피리)

The piri's equivalent in China is the "guan" (also known as "bili"), and its counterpart in Japan is the "hichiriki".

ee also

*Traditional Korean musical instruments

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