- Fødsels- og Plejestiftelsen
Fødsels- og Plejestiftelsen (antiquated spelling: Fødsels- og Pleiestiftelsen; Literal translation: Maternity and Caring Institution) is a Danish maternity institution which was founded by Queen Juliane Marie on
April 8 ,1785 [http://www.eremit.dk/ebog/ros/rosenh4.html, access 27 May 2008] .The institution was created for women to give birth anonymously and receiving free medical care. The purpose was to avoid
infanticide . The woman was offered "eternal"anonymity , however this ruling was changed in 2007, and the archive is now accessible, mostly forgenealogy purposes [ [http://www.sa.dk/content/dk/mest_brugte_arkivalier/sadan_bruger_du_de_mest_brugte_arkivalier/fodselsstiftelsen_-_en_vejledning Fødselsstiftelsen - en vejledning ] ] .References
External links
* [http://www.rigshospitalet.dk/NR/rdonlyres/10E2B69E-386A-4A3B-BE18-717168CD5BE8/0/250_historiske_boeger_KglFrederiks_1901.pdf 1901 Statutes and rules] da icon
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.