- Gunnar Skirbekk
Gunnar Skirbekk (b. 1937,
Norway ) is aprofessor emeritus at the Department of Philosophy and the Center for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities,University of Bergen .Education
Skirbekk studied at the
University of Oslo 1957-59, in Paris 1960-61, and in Tübingen 1961-62. He was later a research assistant for Herbert Marcuse and Avrum Stroll at theUniversity of California, San Diego (UCSD) 1966-67; dr.philos. at the University of Bergen in 1970; research at UCSD 1979-80, 1983, and 1991.Academic career
Skirbekk became an assistant teacher at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Bergen 1962, associate professor in 1964, professor in the philosophy of the sciences and the humanities in 1979. Director of the Center for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities (established 1987) 1987-1991, 1995-1997, and 2001-2003.
Co-editor of Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift [Norwegian Philosophical Journal] 1979-1983; member of the editorial board of Praxis International 1980-1993, of Social Science Studies 1988-1994, member of the Overseas Correspondence Board of Chinese Social Sciences Quarterly from 1994, member of the editorial board of Redescriptions, Yearbook of Political Thought and Conceptual History from 2004. Member of the board of Nordic institute of philosophy from 1981-1998. Member of the board of the Norwegian Research Council (NAVF) 1987-89. Member of the governmental commission for the freedom of expression, 1996-1999.
Norwegian coordinator of “Marco Polo” 1994-2005, a program of comparative studies of cultural modernization in Europe and East Asia, established in 1994, at the University of Bergen and East China Normal University in Shanghai.Professeur invité at the University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis, spring 1997. Professor at the department of philosophy, Freie Universität Berlin, 2000-2001. Advisory professor at East China Normal University from 1998. Fellow (Kurator) at the Hans-Jonas-Zentrum in Berlin from 1998. The Lauritz Meltzer Award for most outstanding research at the University of Bergen in the period 1990-1996. Member of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters and member of the Norwegian Academy for the Sciences and the Arts.
* Nihilisme?, Oslo 1958 (third ed. 1998; Engl. ed. 1972, second ed. 1998).
* Dei filosofiske vilkår for sanning. Ei tolking av Martin Heideggers sanningslære (The Philosophical Preconditions for Truth. An Interpretation of Martin Heidegger’s Theory of Truth), Oslo, 1966 (second ed. Bergen 1999: Om sanninga sitt vesen).
* Er ideologiane døde? (Are Ideologies Dead?), ed. and co-author, Oslo, 1969.
* Nymarxisme og kritisk dialektikk (Neomarxism and Critical Dialectics), Oslo 1970.
* Truth and Preconditions, Bergen, 1970.
* Politisk filosofi (Political Philosophy), Bergen, 1970, 2nd ed. 1976.
* Økologi og filosofi (Ecology and Philosophy), Oslo, 1972.
* Wahrheitstheorien, Frankfurt a. M., 1977, ed. and co-author.
* Filosofihistorie (History of Philosophy), Bergen/Oslo. 7th ed. 2000, from 2nd ed. 1987 together with Nils Gilje; from the sixth ed. 1996 also in bokmål. German edition, 1993; Danish and Swedish editions, 1995; Icelandic edition, 1999; Russian, 2000; English, 2001; Uzbek, 2002 (new preface); Chinese, 2004; Tajik, 2004 (new preface); Turkish 2004; Greek and Korean editions are forthcoming.
* Praxeology. Oslo, 1983, ed. and co-author.
* Ord (Words), Oslo, 1984.
* Manuscripts on Rationality, Bergen, 1984; revised and enlarged version Bergen, 1992.
* Objektivitetsproblemet i vitskapane (Problem of Objectivity in Science), Bergen, 1984, ed. and co-author.
* Til Djevelens forsvar og andre essays (In Defence of the Devil, and other essays), Bergen, 1987.
* Die pragmatische Wende, Frankfurt a. M., 1987, co-ed. and co-author.
* Modernitet - rasjonalisering og differensiering (Modernity - Rationalization and Differentiation), Bergen, 1988, ed. and co-author.
* Vernunft und Verantwortung, Bergen, 1992.
* Kulturell modernitet og vitskapleg rasjonalitet (Cultural Modernity and Scientific Rationality), Bergen, 1992.
* Eco-Philosophical Manuscripts, Bergen, 1992.
* The Commercial Ark. A Book on Ecology, Evolution and Ethics, co-ed. and co-author, Oslo, 1992.
* Geschichte der Philosophie, Frankfurt a. M., 1993, together with Nils Gilje.
* Rationalité et Modernité, Paris, 1993.
* Rationality and Modernity, Essays in Pragmatic Philosophy, Oslo/Oxford, 1993.
* The Notion of Sustainability, Oslo, 1994, co-ed. and co-author.
* Philosophy Beyond Borders. An Anthology of Norwegian Philosophy, co-ed. and co-author, Bergen, 1997.
* Vit og vitskap. Postmodernistisk ord-bok om modernitetens babelske forvirring (Wisdom and science. Postmodernist word-book on the great confusion of modernity), Bergen, 1998.
* Une praxéologie de la modernité. Universalité et contextualité de la raison discursive, Paris 1999.
* Øko-etikk (Eco-Ethics), Bergen 1999.
* Modernitetens makt og avmakt. Vitskapsteoretiske perspektiv på kunnskap og makt, Oslo 2002.
* On Pragmatics – Contributions to Current Debates, ed. and co-author, Bergen 2002.
* Undringa (Wonder), philosophical essays, Oslo 2002.
* Praxeologie der Moderne, Weilerswist 2002.
* Reflexion und Verantwortung. Auseinadersetzungen mit Karl-Otto Apel (Festschrift), co-ed. and co-author, Frankfurt a. M. 2003.
* Striden om sanningen (The Fight over Truth), ed., Gothenburg, 2004.
* Den filosofiske uroa (The philosophical restlessness), Oslo 2005.External links
* [http://www.uib.no/People/hsvgs/ Gunnar Skirbekk's Homepage]
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