Salton Sink — /sɔltən ˈsɪŋk/ (say sawltuhn singk) noun the lowest part of the Imperial Valley, in southern California, in the US, submerged by the Colorado River in 1906, forming the Salton Sea. 86 m below sea level …
Sink (disambiguation) — Sink may refer to:* Sink, a bowl shaped fixture, usually made of porcelain or stainless steel, that is used for washing hands or small objects * Sink (geography), an area of dry land below sea level, for example the Salton Sink * Sink… … Wikipedia
Salton Sea — [ sɔːltn siː], Salzsee in Südkalifornien, USA, in der Coloradowüste, 777 km2, 20 m tief, Seespiegelhöhe 72 m unter dem Meeresspiegel. Der Salzsee befindet sich in einer Senke (Salton Sink), die einst den nördlichen Teil des Golfs von… … Universal-Lexikon
Salton Sea — [sôlt′ n] [prob. coined < SALT] shallow saltwater lake, orig. a salt covered depression (Salton Sink), in the Imperial Valley, S Calif., kept filled by runoff water from irrigation ditches fed by the Colorado River: c. 350 sq mi (906 sq km); c … English World dictionary
Salton Sea — Infobox lake lake name = Salton image lake = Salton Sea from air IMG 1081 061114 071248.jpg caption lake = image bathymetry = caption bathymetry = location = Southern California, United States coords = coord|33.3|N|115.8|W|type:waterbody… … Wikipedia
Salton Sea — /sawl teuhn, tn/ a shallow saline lake in S California, in the Imperial Valley, formed by the diversion of water from the Colorado River into a salt covered depression (Salton Sink). 236 ft. (72 m) below sea level. * * * Saline lake, southeastern … Universalium
Salton Sea — geographical name saline lake about 235 feet (72 meters) below sea level SE California at N end of Imperial Valley formed by diversion of water from Colorado River into depression called Salton Sink … New Collegiate Dictionary
Salton Sea — formerly Salton Sink … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games
Salton Sea — Sal′ton Sea′ [[t]ˈsɔl tn[/t]] n. geg a shallow saline lake in S California, in the Imperial Valley, formed by the diversion of water from the Colorado River into a salt covered depression(Sal′ton Sink′). 236 ft. (72 m) below sea level … From formal English to slang
Colorado River — This article is about the river that flows through the Grand Canyon. For other rivers named Colorado, see Colorado River (disambiguation). Coordinates: 31°39′N 114°38′W / 31.65°N 1 … Wikipedia