Senecio kleiniiformis

Senecio kleiniiformis


image_width = 240px
image_caption =
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
subclassis = Asteridae
unranked_ordo = Euasterids II
ordo = Asterales
familia = Asteraceae
subfamilia = Asteroideae
tribus = Senecioneae
genus = "Senecio"
species = "Senecio kleiniiformis"
binomial = "S. kleiniiformis"
binomial_authority = Suess.
synonyms ="Kleinia kleiniiformis" (Suess.) Boom
Source: IPNI [IPNI
id = 227398-1
date = 2008-05-27

"Senecio kleiniiformis" is a species of the genus "Senecio" and family Asteraceae and was previously considered to be in the genus "Kleinia". This species is thought to be found only in cultivation.IPNI
id = 245832-1
date = 2008-05-27


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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