Selva Forstmann

Selva Forstmann

Infobox Senator | name=Selva Forstmann

office=Argentine Senator
from Santa Cruz Province
party=Justicialist Party
term_start=12 December 2007
date of birth=
place of birth=
date of death=
place of death=

Selva Judit Forstmann is an Argentine Justicialist Party politician. She sits in the Argentine Senate representing Santa Cruz Province in the majority block of the Front for Victory.

Forstmann was educated in Buenos Aires and La Plata. She moved to the oil town Caleta Olivia in 1973 and worked locally in education and the arts. She became a city councillor in 1991.

In 1993 Forstmann was elected to the provincial legislature of Santa Cruz. She was re-elected in 1997, 1999 and 2003. In the Santa Cruz Chamber of Deputies she was vice-president of the Justicialist Party block from 1995, 2nd vice-president of the Chamber from 1999 and 1st vice-president from 2006. Due to various resignations and vacancies, she was acting President of the Chamber that year, and as a consequence was de facto vice-governor of the province. She was appointed to the national Senate in 2007 to fill the vacancy left since Alicia Kirchner left to join the government of President Néstor Kirchner in August 2006.

External links

* [ Senate profile]


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