Cenk Sidar

Cenk Sidar

Cenk Sidar (born June 8, 1982 in Istanbul, Turkey ] is the founder and former leader of the Political Vision Movement (Siyasal Ufuk Hareketi), one of the leading social democrat youth movements in Turkey. He is also business consultant, columnist, political activist and community organizer. Currently, he has been working as the director of the energy and defense programs at the American-Turkish Council (ATC), a business association dedicated to enhancing the promotion of US-Turkish Commercial, Defense, Technology and Cultural Relations in Washington DC.

Cenk Sidar studied Business Administration and International Relations at the Istanbul Bilgi University. After completing his undergraduate education, he studied International Economics and International Energy Policy at the "Johns Hopkins University" (SAIS) in the United States. He was a recipient of various prestigious scholarships including Jean Monnet Scholarship, Bank of Austria Scholarship, Joukowsky Family Foundation Award and JHU Honor Scholarship.

He is the first Turkish political activist invited to the American Academy of Achievement`s annual summit. He also writes columns for Radikal Newspaper of Turkey. [http://www.radikal.com.tr/Default.aspx?aType=MuhabirArama&Keyword=CENK%20S%DDDAR]

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