Polis Akademisi ve Koleji S.K. Men's Ice Hockey

Polis Akademisi ve Koleji S.K. Men's Ice Hockey

team_name = Polis Akademisi ve Koleji
bg_color = #000080
text_color = white

league = TBHSL
founded = 1996
history = Polis Akademisi ve Koleji
arena = Bel-Pa Ice Rink (capacity 1,150)
generalmanager = flagicon|TURErcüment Yılmaz
city = Ankara
colors = Navy blue, red, white
headcoach = flagicon|TURSerhat Enyüce
teamcaptain = flagicon|TUROnur Eroğlu
tbhslchampionships = 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006

Polis Akademisi ve Koleji S.K. Men's Ice Hockey is the men's ice hockey section of Polis Akademisi ve Koleji S.K., a major sports club in Ankara, Turkey.

External links

* [http://www.polisakademisikolejisk.com/ Official Website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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