Husterhoeh Kaserne

Husterhoeh Kaserne

Husterhoeh Kaserne, Pirmasens, Rheinland-Pfalz (English: Rhineland-Palatinate), Deutschland / Germany


Located at the Northern edge of the city of Pirmasens, approximately 15 miles from the French border. It is bordered on the east by the Bundestrasse 270 and the west by [,+pirmasens,+germany&ie=UTF8&ll=49.203691,7.604771&spn=0.075819,0.076904&z=14&iwloc= Landesstrasse 482] .


Originally built in place of an apple orchard, the Husterhoeh Kaserne covered a large plateau to the South-Southwest of the city of Pirmasens, as well having an extremely large underground system of caves and tunnels that ran to adjacent townships. The facility was initially started by the Germans during the 1930s; above-ground facilities were built to house Wehrmacht soldiers manning the Siegfried Line along the French border [] .and included tunneling extensive underground facilities. Work was stopped in 1941 due to the war needs for personnel and resumed minorly in 1944 [] . The facility was captured on 21 March, 1945 by the 71st Infantry Division, used as a war materials storage center, then was expanded by additional construction from the late 1950s through mid 1970s; in 1976 it was officially created as a full army base of its own right (US Military Community, Pirmasens). The last construction under US Military control was construction of replacement motor pool facilities for the 59th MP Co, in 1986-1987. Since return to German control of the majority of the base, additional construction, removal and modification of existing buildings has occurred.

Current use

Most of the facility is now used as commercial property, with multiple car dealerships and commercial companies on the site. The city has also located a major soccer stadium on the site. The USAMMCE is still operational and continues to occupy it's former location. The heliport landing strip has been removed and is a grass field; numerous other buildings have been removed or re-engineered for other uses including the former US Army fire station (removed), the motorpool buildings to the north of the 76th Trucking Company's motorpool (removed), etc. The building which have neither been re-inhabited/re-used nor demolished are in very poor condition (source: personal visits, 1999, 2005, 2008). The curved "Banana" Building has been modified with a museum and related entrace at the center, the entrance of which now faces outwards. The POMCUS storage facilities are now used by the German military for POMCUS storage. The American street names have been retained.

Historical use

*1937 - 1944: German Military facility, utilized as a combination factory-fortress facility and above-ground barracks.
*1944 - 1945: German Military-run facility, utilized as an air raid shelter for Niedersimten.
*1945 - 1976: US Military facility, general depot, used as a pre-cursor for POMCUS-type storage of ready-to-roll armor.
*1976: US Military facility, officially classified as a complete base; creation of USMCA-P, under control of the 21st Support Command.
*1976 - 1994: US Military facility, complete base, US Military Medical Materials Center and HQ for 59th Ordinance Brigade. POMCUS site.
*April 22 1994: Official hand-over ceremony, returning control of the majority of the base to the Germans.
* June 15 1994: Official date of turn-over.

Current units

US Army Medical Material Center, Europe (USAMMCE)

Historical units

*59th Ordnance Brigade HQ (Advanced Weapons Support Command)
*59th Military Police Company (59th MP, 95th MP Battalion, 21st Support Command, USAEUR)
*76th Trucking Company (76th Trucking, 37th Transportation Group, 21st Support Command, USAEUR)
*US Army Medical Material Center, Europe (USAMMCE)
*Headquarters Company, Pirmasens Army Base (USMCA-P)
*9th Ordnance
*22nd Aviation Detachment
*504th Engineering Service Company
*294th Base Support Battalion (responsible for draw-down & turn-over of base, 1992-1994).
*414th Base Support Battalion (remote: located in Kaiserslautern, assumed responsibilities of 294th BSB)

Outlying bases

Husterhoeh Kaserne served as the primary base for several outlying smaller bases, including:
* US Army General Hospital (USAH) at Munchweiler
*Fischbach Ordnance Depot
*Massweiler Ordnance Depot
*Clausen Depot
*and over 28 other storage sites

These smaller supported bases and storage have been returned to German control as well.

External links

* [ Installation Maps and Pictures] , including both Husterhoeh Barracks and Munchweiler USAH and limited historical context.
* [ SASCOM and 59th Ordnance Brigade] , includes details on various units and activities stationed at both Husterhoeh Kaserne and Munchweiler USAH.
* [ AWSCOM and 71st Ordnance Group] , includes details on various units and activities stationed at both Husterhoeh Kaserne and Munchweiler USAH.
* [ Pirmasens/Husterhoeh entry at GlobalSecurity.Org] , historical context.

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