

Henry Castellanos Garzon aka "Romaña" is a Colombian guerrilla leader, member of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. Castellanos-Garzon is a member of the Estado Mayor and the Commander of several Eastern Bloc of the FARC-EP fronts.

According to the United States government Castellanos-Garzon has been involved in drug trafficking for the FARC since the mid-1980s. He participated in setting and implementing the FARC’s cocaine policies directing and controlling the production, manufacture, and distribution of hundreds of tons of cocaine to the United States and the world; the "taxation" of the drug trade in Colombia to raise funds for the FARC; and the murder of hundreds of people who violated or interfered with the FARC’s cocaine policies. He once maintained a stockpile of five tons of cocaine that was picked up by alias "Negro Acacio" of the 16th Front. The U.S. Department of State is offering a reward of up to US$2.5 million dollars for information leading to his arrest and/or conviction. [cite web | title = Henry Castellanos Garzon | publisher = U.S. Department of State | work= Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs-Narcotics Rewards Program | url = | accessdate = 2009-05-26 ]

Castellanos-Garzon is also wanted by Colombian authorities for the kidnaping of the former mayor of Soacha, Cundinamarca and his brother occurred on October 24, 1996 and November 6, 1997. [cite web | title = New accusation against Romaña | publisher = Colombian Air Force | work= Air Information News | url = | accessdate = 2009-05-26 ]


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