Lambda diode

Lambda diode

. The term refers to the shape of the V/I curve of the device, which resembles the Greek letter λ "(lambda)".

Lambda diodes work at higher voltage than tunnel diodes. Whereas a typical tunnel diode [ [ 1N3712 data sheet] ] may exhibit negative differential resistance between some 70mV - 350 mV, this region occurs between about 1.5V - 6V in a lambda diode due to the higher pinch-off voltages of typical JFET devices. A lambda diode can therefore not replace a tunnel diode directly.

Moreover, in a tunnel diode the current reaches a minimum of some 20% of the peak current before rising again towards higher voltages. The lambda diode current approaches zero as voltage increases, before rising quickly again at a voltage high enough to cause gate-source zener breakdown in the FETs.

It is also possible to construct a device similar to a lambda diode by combining an n-channel JFET with a PNP bipolar transistor [ [ Oscillations and Regenerative Amplification using Negative Resistance ] ] .


Like the tunnel diode, the negative resistance aspect of the lambda diode lends itself naturally to application in oscillator circuits [ [ "A Dip Meter Using the Lambda Negative Resistance Circuit."] Lloyd Butler, "Amateur Radio", January 1997.] and amplifiers. In addition, bistable circuits such as memory cells have been described [ United States Patent 4376986: Double Lambda diode memory cell;] .


* Rudolf F. Graf, Modern Dictionary of Electronics, 7th ed. P.411. Boston [etc.] : Newnes Press, 1999. ISBN 0-7506-9866-7

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