- Slaymaker lock company
A Typical Brass Slaymaker Padlock
About the founder
The lock company was founded in 1888 by Samuel R. Slaymaker. Samuel R. Slaymaker got his interest in locks from working for the Pennsylvania Railroad as a civil engineer. He was interested with the railroad switch and signal locks and after a while he became familiar with them.
About the manufacturing plant
The Slaymaker original manufacturing plant was located on North Water St. in
Lancaster City ,Pennsylvania ,United States . Some of the first padlocks purchased from the original manufacturing plant were put in from the US Government and the Railroad companies wanting inexpensive locks.About the types of locks they made
The lock company invented many unique inexpensive locks. They were famous for their carded padlocks.
The lock company's later years
In the early 1970s the American Home Products Corporation attempted to purchase the company from the Slaymaker family because of its steady growth. In 1975 the Ecko Housewares Division of American Home Products was successful in purchasing the Slaymaker lock company and made it one of its divisions.
About the bankruptcy
In the 1980s the lock company suffered because the market had been flooded with cheap padlocks and the slaymaker lock company was losing money. By 1986 the company officially decided to cash out and the company closed its doors at the manufacturing plant.
External links
[http://www.slaymakerheritagelaw.com/html/building.htm Company history]
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