Senecio glabratus

Senecio glabratus


regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
subclassis = Asteridae
unranked_ordo = Euasterids II
ordo = Asterales
familia = Asteraceae
subfamilia = Asteroideae
tribus = Senecioneae
genus = "Senecio"
species = "S. glabratus"
binomial = "Senecio glabratus"
binomial_authority = Hook. & Arn.Source: IPNIIPNI
id = 245290-1
date = 2008-05-24

"Senecio glabratus" is a species of the genus "Senecio" and family Asteraceae.


External links

*cite book
last = Hooker
first = Sir William Jackson
authorlink = William Jackson Hooker
coauthors = G. A. Walker Arnott, Esq.
title = The Botany of Captain Beechey's voyage
publisher = Henry George Bohn
url =
date = 1841
chapter = CHILI
chapterurl =

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