PMZ (motorcycle)

PMZ (motorcycle)

PMZ (ПМЗ) or Podol'skom Mekhanicheskom Zavode (Подольском механическом заводе) was a motorcycle manufacturer in the Soviet Union. In 1935 they commenced series production of the PMZ-A-750 which had been design by Pyotr Mozharov at NATI, for the Soviet Army.


"Entsiklopediya Mototsiklov. Firmi. Modeli. Konstruktsii.", Za Rulem, Moscow (2003). Энциклопедия Мотоциклов. Фирмы. Модели. Конструкции. - За Рулем - Москва (2003) p.434-5 ISBN 5-85907-340-2

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