Petubastis III

Petubastis III

Seheruibre Padibastet, better known as Petubastis III, is a proposed Egyptian ruler, c. 522 – 520 BCE, who revolted against Persian rule and satrap Aryandes. [ [ "Ancent Egypt: History and Chronology, 27th dynasty"] .] His throne name, Padibastet, means "Piece Of Sand Of A Coast". This ruler was a native, local prince, dynast and probably a member of the old royal Saitic line, who attempted to take control of Egypt and sieze power. [Eiddon Stephen Edwards, The Cambridge Ancient History, Cambridge University Press, 2005, p 262] Although he assumed royal titles and titulary of a pharaoh, he has been a largely unknown character and a shadowy figure in Egyptian history. [Eiddon Stephen Edwards, The Cambridge Ancient History, Cambridge University Press, 2005, p 262]

The ruler revolted in late 522 BCE or early 521 BCE. What caused him to rebel is not certain, but according to the words and writings of the Ancient Greek military author Polyaenus, who wrote about this revolt, it was oppressive taxation. The Behistun Inscription, which offers great insight for the events during this period, mentions a rebellion in Egypt which occurred at the same time as other rebellions in the eastern quarters of the Persian Empire. Darius, the author of the Behistun Inscription, does not go into any detail about how he dealt with the rebellion in Egypt. It is most likely that the satrap Aryandes quelled the rebellion, though we cannot know for certain. Certainly Egypt was pacified by 518 BCE when Darius arrived and authorised the codification of local Egyptian laws.

The existence of this shadowy and rebel ruler whom we know very little about, was confirmed by inscriptions found on two seals and one scarab that bear his name written in a royal form inside a cartouche. [ [ "Ancent Egypt: History and Chronology, 27th dynasty"] .] From the inscriptions we can see that Seheruibre was the birth name of this ruler while he took the throne name Padibastet (Petubastis). There also exists a document that has been dated to the year 552, which was the first year of his reign. [Eiddon Stephen Edwards, The Cambridge Ancient History, Cambridge University Press, 2005 ,p 262]


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