Fildu de Jos

Fildu de Jos

Fildu de Jos is a commune located in Sălaj County, Romania.Fildu de Jos


"Este una dintre cele mai frumoase comune ale judetului Salaj, asezata in partea sudica a acestuia, la contactul Depresiunii Almasului cu Muntii Mesesului si abruptul nordic al Depresiunii Huedin. Comuna are in componenta 4 localitati: Fildu de Jos - sat resedinta de comuna situat la o distanta de 57 km fata de municipiul Zalau, Fildu de Mijloc, Fildu de Sus si Tetisu."

Urmele locuirii pe aceste meleaguri sunt foarte vechi; dovada stau descoperirile arheologice care au scos la lumina asezari anterioare perioadei romane. Situate pe drumurile de legatura dintre castrele romane de pe Valea Crisului Repede si Porolissum, asezarile prezente în acest areal au fost in permanenta sub influenta acestora. Primul document care atesta existenta localitatii Fildu de Jos dateaza din anul 1249, asezarea fiind cunoscuta sub numele de terra Fyld. Celelalte localitati sunt atestate ceva mai tarziu, Fildu de Sus si Fildu de Mijloc in anul 1415, iar Tetisu in anul 1399. Locuitorii comunei sunt consemnati in istorie pentru participarea si rolul lor la intregirea tãrii, Ioan Boca fiind reprezentantul fildenilor la Marea Adunare Nationala de la Alba Iulia (1918).

Populatia comunei numara la ultimul recensamant 1583 de locuitori din care 63,10% romani, 21,22% maghiari, 15,47% rromi si 0,21% alte nationalitati.

Datorita conditiilor climatice, agricultura comunei este bine reprezentata de culturile de cartofi si de cresterea animalelor. In sectorul economic secundar, exploatarea si prelucrarea lemnului sunt activitatile reprezentative.

Potentialul turistic al comunei, desi neexploatat la adevarata sa valoare, este unul impresionant. Gasim aici peisaje montane deosebite, cum sunt cele de la obarsia Almasului si de pe valea Pestera, monumente istorice si de arhitectura traditionala cum sunt biserica de lemn "Pogorarea Sfantului Duh"- datata in anul 1727 si inscrisa in patrimoniul cultural national, biserica de lemn "Sfintii Arhangheli" din Fildu de Jos (1630), biserica reformata din Tetisu (sec. XIV) si, nu in ultimul rand, un potential etno - folcloric bine pastrat. Comuna Fildu de Jos se indreapta, deocamdatã cu pasi timizi, spre valorificarea potentialului turistic, profitand din plin de oferta remarcabila a zonei.

Fildu de Jos

It is one of the most beautiful communes of the county, it lies in the southern part of it, at the contact point between Almas Basin, the Meses Mountains and the northern part of Huedin Basin. It has four component villages: Fildu de Jos - the central village situated at 57 km distance from Zalau city, Fildu de Mijloc, Fildu de Sus and Tetisu.

Archeological excavations have brought to the surface traces of settlements which existed prior to the Roman occupation. The actual villages were situated along the main cross-roads between the Roman camps in the valley of the river Crisul Repede and Porolissum. Fildu de Jos was attested in 1249 under the name terra Fyld, Fildu de Sus and Fildu de Mijloc in 1415 and Tetisu in 1399.

At the last census the population counted 1583 inhabitants of which 63,10% were Romanians, 21,22% Hungarians, 15,47% Roms and 0,21% were other nationalities.

Due to the favourable weather, the agriculture is well-represented by potato-growing and livestock-breeding.

The picturesque mountainous landscapes and the architectural monuments such as the wooden church "Pogorârea Sfantului Duh" dated from 1727 and entered in the national cultural patrimony, the wooden church "Sfintii Arhangheli" in Fildu de Jos (1630) and the reformed church in Tetisu (14th century) are the main important touristical spectacles which worth visiting.


Alsofuld Szilagy megye egyik legszebb kozsege, a megye deli reszen helyezkedik el, az Almas medencenek a Meszes hegyseggel es a Hunyadi medence eszaki reszevel valo talalkozasanal. A kozseghez negy telepules tartozik: Alsofuld (Fildu de Jos) - a kozseg kozpontja, 57 km-re Zilahtol, Kozepfuld (Fildu de Mijloc), Felsofuld (Fildu de Sus) es Ketesd (Tetisu).

A videk osidok ota lakott, a regeszeti eredmenyek szerint mar a romai megszallas elott leteztek telepulesek a kozseg teruleten. Ezek azon az uton huzodtak, amely a Sebes-Koros volgyeben levo romai taborokat osszekototte Porolissum varosaval. Alsofuld telepulesenek elso irasos emlitese 1249-bol valo, ekkor terra Fyld neven szerepel. A tobbi helyseget csak valamivel kesobb emlitik az okiratok, Felsofuldot es Kozepfuldot 1415-ben, mig Ketesdet 1399-ben. A kozseg lakoinak szerepe volt az orszag egyesiteseben, Ioan Boca volt a fuldiek kepviseloje az 1918-as gyulafehervari egyesuleskor.

Alsofuld kozsegenek lakossaga a legutobbi nepszamlalasi adatok szerint 1583 fo, ebbol 63,10% roman, 21,22% magyar, 15,47% roma es 0,21% mas nemzetisegu.

A krumplitermesztes es az allattenyesztes a legelterjedtebb mezogazdasagi agak, emellett a fakitermeles- es feldolgozas is jelen van a kozseg gazdasagi palettajan.

A kozseg turisztikai lehetosegei reszben meg kiaknazatlanok. Kulonleges szepsegu hegyvideki tajai mellett epiteszeti muemlekei is szamot tarthatnak a turistak erdeklodesere. Ezek kozul megemlithetjuk az 1727-ben epult fatemplomot, az alsofuldi fatemplomot (1630) es a ketesdi reformatus templomot (XIV. szazad).

Wooden church of Fildu de Sus

The church was built in 1727 by the artist Freont Nicoara from Agrij and Chendre of Petre Brudului. The painting was executed in 1856 and is very well preserved, but the painter remains unknown. Its central tower stands over 40 m tall. The last renovation was carried out in 1988-1999. It si considered by several authors to be representative of the traditional architecture of this region and is listed on the official list of historic monuments of Romania.


*Cristache-Panait, Ioana (1978). "Biserica Pogorârea Duhului Sfânt din Fildu de Sus" in Monumente istorice bisericeşti din Eparhia Ortodoxă Română a Oradei. Biserici de lemn: 317-319, Oradea.
*Szinte, Gábor (1913). "A Kolozsmegyei fatemplomok". Értesítöje IX (1-2): 1-31.
*Cristache-Panait, Ioana (1971). "Bisericile de lemn din Sălaj" in Buletinul Monumentelor Istorice 1971 (1): 31-40.
*Ghergariu, Leontin (1973). "Meşterii construcţiilor monumentale de lemn din Sălaj". AMET 1971-73: 255-273, Cluj.
*Godea, Ioan (1996). Biserici de lemn din România (nord-vestul Transilvaniei). Bucureşti: Editura Meridiane. ISBN 973-33-0315-1.

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