Rolande Moses

Rolande Moses

Rolande Moses (born 1981) is an amateur boxer from Grenada who fought at the Olympics 2008 at welterweight.

He entered into the Olympic Trails with a nine fights only under his belt. He did not have to qualify for Grenada's Olympic team in the usual manner - that is he did not have to become a national champion or win international qualifying bouts. Instead, Moses is able to box for Grenada on a technicality. Under Olympic rules, countries that are unrepresented can apply for athletes to be given berths at the Games. Grenada applied for, and was given, a berth for Moses. He is considered a long shot to medal at the games. []

Rolande was born in St.Davids, Grenada in 1981. His family moved to Toronto when He was seven years old. He competed high school and attended Niagara College for two years in which He took Business Administration.At the 2007 World Championships he lost his first bout to Sweden's Abdo-Iriba Yasser by stoppage, at the first Olympic qualifier he was defeated by Diego Chaves (boxer) 2:12.

At the Olympics 2008 he lost his first bout to Tureano Johnson.

Some Other Achievements are:Ringside World Championships, Kansas City 2005 (semi-finals) and 2006The Ray McGibbons Gloves, St.Catharines (Silver)Provincial Championships, St.Catharines (Gold)

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