

name = XINU

developer = Douglas Comer
family = Unix-like
working_state = Current
latest_release_version = Not
latest_release_date = Applicable
ui = N/A
license = GPL
website = [ Xinu Operating System]

Xinu ("Xinu Is Not Unix", a recursive acronym) is a Unix-like operating system originally developed by Douglas Comer for instructional purposes at Purdue University in the 1980s. It has been ported to many hardware platforms, including the DEC LSI-11, Sun-2 and Sun-3 workstations, Intel x86, PowerPC G3 and MIPS.Xinu has been deployed in several commercial products, and continues to be used for operating system and networking courses at Universitiesaround the world.

External links

* [ Xinu Operating System at Purdue University]
* [ Douglas Comer at Purdue University]
* [ Embedded Xinu and RISC Xinu at Marquette University]
* [ Books On Computer Architecture And Operating Systems]
* [ Xinu for the LSI-11 in the Unix Archive]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Xinu — Is Not Unix (Es un acrónimo recursivo: Xinu No es Unix) es un Sistema operativo Tipo UNIX, desarrollado Originalmente por Douglas Comer con fines de instrucción, en la Universidad de Purdue en la década de los ochentas. Ha sido portado a varias… …   Wikipedia Español

  • XINU — (Xinu Is Not Unix) est le nom d un système d exploitation très largement inspiré d Unix, créé par Douglas Comer à des fins éducatives. Il a aussi été utilisé industriellement. Son auteur a totalement respecté, a des fins de lisibilité, sa… …   Wikipédia en Français

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