- Hargate Primary School
Hargate Primary School is sited in
Tantany ,West Bromwich , England, opposite Tantany Baptist churchIts school jumper colour is red with the logo of black and white. The logo is two children holding hands and the with the words saying "Forward Together Hargate". The school is a mixed school for boys and girls and also takes in children with disabilities such as those with hearing difficulties. The school tries to meet every child's need as the school gives those who are hard of hearing someone to help them understand the teacher. The school has 8 classes including a nursery. The nursery has a morning nursery and an afternoon nursery. The school has an annual sports day but last year it was canceled due to bad weather. When the children break up for both Christmas and 6 weeks holidays the children get a school disco. The current year 6 presents a school leaver show and all the children in year 6 get a little gift which varies every year though recently it has been teddy bears with the school logo on.
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