Carlo Allioni

Carlo Allioni

Carlo Allioni (23 September 1728 in Turin - 30 July 1804 in Turin) was an Italian physician and professor of botany at the University of Turin.cite book
last = Bailey
first = L.H.
authorlink = Liberty Hyde Bailey
coauthors = Wilhelm Miller and Many Expert Cultivators and Botanists
title = Cyclopedia of American Horticulture: Comprising Suggestions for Cultivation Comprising of Suggestions for Cultivation of Horticultural Plants, Descriptions of the Species of Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers and Ornamental Plants Sold in the United States and Canada, Together with Geographical and Biographical Sketches In Four Volumes
url =
accessdate = 2008-06-19
series = v.1 A-D
date = 1900
publisher = The Macmillian Company
chapterurl =
] His most important work was "Flora Pedemontana, sive enumeratio methodica stirpium indigenarum Pedemontii"Fact|date=June 2008 1755, a study of the plant world in Piedmont, in which he listed 2813 species of plants, of which 237 were previously unknown.Fact|date=June 2008 In 1766, he released the "Manipulus Insectorum Tauriniensium".

He taught botany at the University of Berlin and was director of the Turin Botanical Garden. Fact|date=June 2008

Linnaeus named the New World herb genus "Allionia" after Allioni.Fact|date=June 2008

elected works

*"Flora Pedemontana, sive, Enumeratio methodica stirpium indigenarum Pedemontii" (1755)
*"Auctarium ad floram Pedemontanam cum notis et emendationibus" (1789)
*"Stirpium praecipuarum littoris et agri Nicaeensis Enumeratio methodica cum Elencho aliquot anirnalium ejusdem maris" (1757)


External links

*cite book
last = Mattirolo
first = Oreste
title = Note bibliographiche Allioniane e Nomenclator Allionianus, pubblicati in Occasione Della Ricorrenza Centenaria Della Morte Di Carlo Allioni 1804 - 1904
url =
accessdate = 2008-06-19
date = 1904
publisher = Tipografia di A. Ciminago
pages = 82 pages

*cite web
url =
title = Flora pedemontana
accessdate = 2008-06-19
last = Allioni
first = Carlo
date = 1785
format = HTML
work = Digital old books
publisher = SICD Universities of Strasbourg

*cite web
url =
title = Author Details
accessdate = 2008-06-19
author = International Organization for Plant Information (IOPI)
authorlink = IPNI
format = HTML
work = International Plant Names Index

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