

Olricstaad is a fictional city in the Warhammer Fantasy universe. It is located in the Norsca. Only official reference to Olricstaad is given in the sourcebook for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. It seems to be important settlement in Norsca and probably large in Norse terms (maybe largest in Norsca).

There is unofficial fan-sources that locate Olricstaad on the Sea of Claws coast. One of these sources is Warpstone Issue 19, which features Ryan Wileman's The Sea of Claws background article which details also locations in the southern Norsca. If this location is matched with official Norsca maps Olricstaad is located on the Skaelings tribe land (one of the main Norse tribes) making it also Skaeling capital.

* Name Olric is referred many times as Norse God, which is probably just Norse version of Warhammer God Ulric.
* During the circa 2512 to 2513 IC ruler of Olricstaad is Norse High King Svein.



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