Andrew J. Porter

Andrew J. Porter

Andrew J. Porter (born 1972 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania) is the author of the Flannery O'Connor Award-winning short story collection, "The Theory of Light and Matter" published in 2008 by the University of Georgia Press. A graduate of Vassar College and the Iowa Writers' Workshop, he is the recipient of numerous fellowships and awards, including the 2004 W.K. Rose Fellowship in the Creative Arts from Vassar College, a James Michener-Paul Engle Fellowship from the James Michener/Copernicus Society of America, an Iowa Teaching/Writing Fellowship from the University of Iowa, a Tennesee Williams Scholarship from the SewaneeWritersConference, a Residency Fellowship from the Helene Wurlitzer Foundation, the Glenna Luschei Award and a Pushcart Prize. His fiction has appeared in publications such as "One Story", "Epoch (magazine)", "The Ontario Review", "Prairie Schooner", "The Antioch Review", "StoryQuarterly", "The Threepenny Review", "Others Voices", "Story (magazine)" and "The Pushcart Prize Anthology". He has also had his work broadcast on NPR's "Selected Shorts" and selected as one of the 100 distinguished stories of 2007 by "Best American Short Stories". Currently, Porter lives in San Antonio, Texas, where he is an Assistant Professor of English at Trinity University.


* [ Andrew Porter's Official website]
* [ Pushcart Prize reading on"Selected Shorts"]
* [ Trinity University English Department]
* [ Profile in "Trinity People"]
* [ "The Theory of Light and Matter" page at the University of Georgia Press]
* [ One Story Page for "Azul"]

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