

Avimor is an convert|840|acre|km2|sing=on master-planned residential community located in the Foothills west of Boise, Idaho and five miles (8 km) directly north of Eagle, Idaho along Hwy. 55. The project is being developed by SunCor Development Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pinnacle West Capital Corporation, a publicly-traded company (NYSE: PNW) which is also the parent company of Arizona Public Service, the state's largest utility company. Construction began in 2006 and is ongoing.

Village One, the first portion of the convert|23000|acre|km2|sing=on Spring Valley Ranch property to be developed, includes 650 homes and a planned village center of shops, offices, dining options, a daycare and recreational amenities. A second village is still in the planning stages. Nearly convert|20000|acre|km2 of the surrounding land is designated as open space.


Spring Valley Ranch was once a convert|38000|acre|km2|sing=on sheep ranch, then transitioned to cattle and horses. SunCor chose Avimor as the community name based on the heritage of the McLeod family, Spring Valley Ranch owners since the early 1900s. The family is originally from the Highlands area of Scotland and Aviemore is an active-lifestyle resort town in the region. The spelling was changed, hence the current name.


Water Conservation

Water consumption in this high desert region has been an important issue for the development team and the surrounding communities. Design, management and educational initiatives are in place to meet the goal of reducing typical residential indoor and outdoor water consumption by 30%.

Minimizing use begins by establishing water rates that encourage conservation, metering all treated-water usage and providing educational materials for residents.

All homes are built with low-flow plumbing fixtures, recirculation pumps for hot water delivery and low-water-use appliances. Treated effluent from the on-site state-of-the-art wastewater treatment plant reduces the use of potable water for land irrigation. Landscaping is done with xeric plants through covenants, deed restrictions and permitted plant lists that also limit the use of turf in private yard landscaping. The community uses drip irrigation for all shrubs and trees and a centralized, time-controlled irrigation system linked to a weather station for watering common areas.

Energy Conservation

By gaining Energy Star certification for all homes, this signifies up to 30% greater efficiency than homes built to code. Educational materials have been developed to help Avimor residents make further energy-conscious choices. Additionally, community design and amenities are in place to help reduce the need for car travel.

Where possible, buildings are oriented along an east-west axis to maximize passive solar heating and are sited to allow for low angle winter sun. The use of overhangs, porches and other appropriate features shade south-facing walls in summer. Landscaping tactics shade buildings in the summer and allow solar heating in winter.

Plant and Wildlife Conservation

Years of ranching, along with a keen interest in preserving the natural state foothills lands, has set into motion a comprehensive land conservation plan. Nearly 60% of the convert|840|acre|km2 in Village One is retained as preserved open space. Large tracts of adjacent land will be preserved and restored to pre-ranchland state for the benefit of residents, wildlife and the general public.

A neighborhood conservation director has taken a "No Net Loss" approach to wildlife mitigation.. Rather than work from a wildlife-down approach - which usually accounts for a smaller set of species such as big game - this strategy begins with the soils and vegetation. By restoring these base natural components first, more plant, animal and insect species will benefit in a given area. This plan was developed with assistance from the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Ada County Development Services, Bureau of Land Management, Ada County Parks and Recreation, and private interest groups.

Plant and wildlife conservation projects includes the establishment of a conservation easement, enhancing wildlife habitats, properly managing foothills recreation access, planting native plant species, controlling invasive and noxious weeds, and conducting regular big game surveys.


[http://srthost.com/peyron/release.php?id=3 Suncor's Spring Valley Ranch Community To Be Named Avimor]

External links

* [http://www.avimor.com Avimor.com]
* [http://www.suncoraz.com SunCor Development Company]
* [http://www.foothillsheritagefestival.com/ Foothills Heritage Festival]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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