

Virwar is a surname, [Rajput] clan. [Clans] of Rajputs were divided into two major sections. First GADH BHEETER (Stands for those who stayed inside the Kings fort) and Second GEDH BAHAR (those who stayed out of the fort). Virwar rajputs are Gadh Bheeter. Gadh Bheeter are generally rated higher than the other class. These people were mainly high ranking army officials or close advisors to Kings. Rajputs are synonmus to bravery and strength.

Virwar Rajputs can be found in Village Rajpur (Dist. [Buxar] ). King of Buxar was also of Virwar clan. The descendants of this clan currently scattered all over India, including Rajasthan, Madhya pradesh, UP & Bihar. The last known migration track was from Rajasthan to Balia in UP and to Rajpur in Buxar district of Bihar.

The most prominents of virwars are now settled in delhi.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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