Fritz Hoffmann

Fritz Hoffmann

Fritz Hoffmann (June 19, 1871 - July 14, 1927) was a German athlete. He competed at the 1896 Summer Olympics in Athens.

Hoffmann competed in the 100 metres. In the heats, he came in second out of five runners, qualifying for the final. There he again came in second, with his time of 12.2 seconds being .2 seconds behind the winner, Tom Burke of the United States.

Hoffmann also competed in the 400 metres. He placed second in his preliminary heat, advancing to the final. There, he came in fourth place.

In the high jump, Hoffmann placed last of the five athletes. His best jump was to 1.55 metres. He also placed either sixth or seventh (with Khristos Zoumis of Greece taking the other place) in the triple jump, as well as in the bottom three of the seven man field in the shot put.

He also competed in three gymnastics events, rope climbing and the team parallel bars and horizontal bar. In the rope climbing, Hoffmann reached the highest of the three gymnasts who did not finish, receiving a bronze medal behind the two Greek climbers who reached the top of the 14 metre rope. Hoffmann made it to 12.5 metres. In the team, Hoffmann was the captain of the German team that won both competitions.

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