Yili Group

Yili Group

company_name =Yili Group
company_type = Privately owned
foundation = 1993
location = flagicon|China Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China
key_people = Chairman: Mr. Pan Gang
industry = Dairy
products = Dairy products
revenue =
motto =
homepage = http://www.yili.com/

Yili Group (zh-cp|c=伊利集团|p=Yīlì Jítuán; full name Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Company Limited;SSE|600887) is a privately-owned company of dairy industry in China. It is engaged in processing and manufacturing of milk products, including ice-cream, milk powder, milk tea powder, sterilized milk and fresh milk under "Yili" brand. It is headquartered in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia. [ [http://www.yili.com/english/ Background of Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co., Ltd.] ] [ [http://wrightreports.ecnext.com/coms2/reportdesc_COMPANY_C1569J200 Profile of Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Company Limited] ] Its main competitor in China is Mengniu.

The company was an official sponsor of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

2008 Chinese milk scandal

Yili is implicated in the baby milk scandal after tests found its infant formula contained melamine. Yili recalled tainted milk powders and apologised to the public.Lee Spears, [http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601080&sid=a1rfKvOp3xwc&refer=asia, "China Revokes `Inspection-Free' Right as Milk Scandal Spreads"] , Bloomberg (18 September 2008)] Shares in other listed dairy companies fell strongly the next day."Reuters", "Investors dump financials and dairy producers", "South China Morning Post" (18 September 2008)] On discovery that their liquid milk was also contaminated, Yili was stripped of its status as a 'Chinese national brand' [ [http://news.cctv.com/china/20080922/101235.shtml Yili, Mengniu, Bright Dairy lose their status as 'national brands'] , China Central Television (22 September 2008)]

Hong Kong and Singapore authorities ordered a recall of Yili products after 8 out of 30 tested positive for melamine. [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7623037.stm Hong Kong recalls dairy products"] , BBC News (18 September 2008)] Mengniu, whose product tested negative in Hong Kong government tests, and Yili liquid milk was immediately de-listed by supermarket chains after tests showed that contaminated samples had been found on the mainland.Paggie Leung & Mary Ann Benitez, "HK store chains strip shelves of Mengniu goods", Page A2, "South China Morning Post" (20 September 2008)]

As of 18 September 2008, no one is believed to have been made ill because of the tainted yoghurt. [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7623037.stm] However, Hong Kong doctors found a stone in the left kidney of a three-year-old girl who had been drinking the contaminated Yili milk for 15 months. [Lee Spears and Wendy Leung, [http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=a4krf9ZOzsh8 China Milk Scandal Spreads; Hong Kong Girl Sickened (Update2)] Bloomberg, (21 September 2008)]


External links

* [http://www.yili.com/english/ Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Company Limited]

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