Ludwig Bausch

Ludwig Bausch

Ludwig Christian August Bausch ( b. Dresden Jan. 15, 1805 - d. Leipzig May 26, 1871 ) - an illustrious German "Bogenmacher" (Bow maker). He became known as the "German Tourte".

Bausch started a dynasty of makers. He studied violin making in Dresden with J.B. Fritsche and eventually set up his own firm in Leipzig. He combined the best elements of French and German styles, and achieved great fame.He was very much influenced by the late F.X. Tourte model, nevertheless his work is very distinct and personal.His 2 sons, Ludwig jun. Bausch (Karl Friedrich Ludwig jun.) (1829-18710) and Otto Julius Bausch (18410-1874) produced bows until 1874. [Die Geigen und Lautenmacher - by Lutgendorff, Frankfurt 1922]

"From the turn of the century (1900's) until now, thousands of cheap bows branded with the Bausch name were exported from Germany and sold throughout the world. Genuine Bausch bows, once plentiful, are now scarce and these vary from commercial grade bows to bows of exceptional beauty." - Kenway Lee 1994 [VSA 14 #2 1995 Nicolaus Kittel: The Russian Tourte by Kenway Lee 183]

"Along with Heinrich Knopf, it is very possible that Ludwig Bausch supplied some bows to Nicolaus Kittel (as there are substantial similarities in some of these bows by Kittel and Bausch)" Gennady Filimonov [ [ Filimonov Fine Musical Instruments] ]


Further reading

* Die Geigen und Lautenmacher - by Lutgendorff, Frankfurt 1922
*Encyclopedia of the Violin - Alberto Bachmann
* VSA 14 #2 1995 Nicolaus Kittel: The Russian Tourte by Kenway Lee 183
* Deutsche Bogenmacher-German Bow Makers Klaus Grunke 2000

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