Onchestus rentzi

Onchestus rentzi
Crown stick insect
onchestus sp. wings
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Phasmatodea
Family: Phasmatidae
Subfamily: Sp.
Genus: Onchestus
Species: O. rentzi.
Binomial name
Ochestus rentzi

Onchestus rentzi is a recently-discovered[when?] Australian species, commonly named the crown stick insect, only live in rainforests on mountains, because the climate is perfect for crown stick insects to flourish. Onchestus rentzi can only be found on the coast of Queensland and the Northern Territory.



Crown stick insects are dark black-grey and use camouflage to blend in with the surroundings. The crown stick insect can reach lengths of 120mm and have a protuberance of cuticle which resembles a crown in both sexes.


The crown stick insect like other stick insects will flick the egg to the ground then the egg will go through the seasons and will hatch when the climate is right, although the may look exactly like a piece of bark to predators that might eat the egg will have a hard time finding it.


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