

__NOTOC__wmctrl is a command used to control windows in EWMH and NetWM compatible, X Window, window manager. Some of its common operations are list, resize, and close window. It also has the ability to interact with virtual desktops, and give information about the window manager. wmctrl is a command line program, however it has some function that allow the mouse to select a window for an operation. [http://linux.die.net/man/1/wmctrl man wmctrl(1)] ]

wmctrl Operations

wmctrl operations
*List all desktops
*List all windows
*Switch desktop of a window
*Close window
*Resize window
*Move window
*Set window's icon name
*Set window title
*Add, remove, or toggle windows properties
**skip_pager, hidden
*Move window to another desktop
*Change geometry (common size) of desktops
*Display information about the window manager
*Change number of desktops

Compatible window managers

*Compatible, or mostly compatible, window managers [http://www.sweb.cz/tripie/utils/wmctrl/ wmctrl Home page] ]
**Blackbox >= version 0.70
**KWin (the default WM for KDE)
**Metacity (the default WM for GNOME)
**Openbox >= 3
**FVWM >= 2.5
**enlightenment >= 0.16.6
**Xfce >= 4
**Fluxbox >= 0.9.6
**Window Maker >= 0.91

ee also


* [http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-latest.html Extended Window Manager Hints (EWMH)]
* [http://blackboxwm.sourceforge.net/NetWM NetWM]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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