

E-40-07 is the code for the ECSS standard titled Simulation Model Portability.

This standard builds upon the SMP2 standard version 1.2, released on October 28, 2005 by ESA.

E-40-07 is being finalised and it will be out for public review during 2008.


* [http://www.egos.esa.int/export/egos-web/others/Events/Workshop/ESAW-workshop-2007/ESAW_ABSTRACT_BOOK.pdf ESAW 2007, p. 31]
* [http://ecss.nl/forums/ecss/_templates/default.htm?target=http://ecss.nl/forums/ecss/dispatch.cgi/standards/showFolder/100269 ECSS published standards]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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