Clube Atlético Tubarão

Clube Atlético Tubarão

Clube Atlético Tubarão usually called Atlético Tubarão, is a Brazilian football team from Tubarão, Santa Catarina, Brazil, founded on April 14, 2005 as Associação Cultural, Recreativa e Esportiva Atlético Cidade Azul but changed to the current name in 2007. Clube Atlético Tubarão is not Tubarão Futebol Clube, which is a classic Santa Catarina club.


In 2005, the Cidade Azul competed the Série B1 (Divisão de Acesso) from Campeonato Catarinense 2005. The team won the first stage, but lost in semifinals of Final Phase and qualified to Divisão Especial from Campeonato Catarinense 2006.

In 2006, the club finished in 11th placed in Divisão Especial and relegated to Divisão de Acesso 2007.

In 2007, the team won the first and second stage of Divisão Acesso from Campeonato Catarinense 2007 and qualified to Divisão Principal from Campeonato Catarinense 2008.


*Divisão de Acesso from Campeonato Catarinense 2007

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