Kompakt (computer software)

Kompakt (computer software)

Kompakt is a cut-down version of Native Instruments' Kontakt software sampler. It features a large sample library containing samples of a range of acoustic and electronic instruments, and a number of performance controls. It also allows the user's own patches to be created and samples mapped across the keyboard using a basic drag-and-drop technique, however there is no capability for editing patches - as such Kompakt is best-suited as a performance instrument for playing predefined sample libraries. Kompakt is not compatible with Intel Macs.

Kompakt Program

Kompakt is a sampler-based synthesis application developed by Native Instruments company. Like Kontakt, it allows a user to load software instruments (or patches) into memory to be played back through a MIDI controller. Each instance of Kompakt can load up to eight instruments at a time. Instrument patches can be modified and saved for use later. Kompakt similarly allows the user to work with multis, which are files defining a group of instrument patches.Kompakt allows the user control over the sound of the instrument by means of a set of controls. Some of these (as visible in the screenshot) include envelopes, LFOs, filters and effects, and other such controls.

3rd Party Libraries

Many 3rd party manufacturers program software sample libraries. Through Native Instruments, one can buy sample libraries that include a special version of Kompakt, called the "Kompakt Player," to work with the sample libraries. An obvious advantage of this is that one need not buy a full sampler in order to play the samples, but instead has the full capabilities of playing the sample library through the Kompakt player once the library is installed. 3rd party sample manufacturers normally bundle their libraries with a customized version of a sample player optimized for that library. For example, the EastWest company develops libraries in which it wants users to have Kompakt-like control over the samples, so it will ship its sample library with a version of the Kompakt player which contains a special GUI and is optimized for use of that library.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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