1980s in sociology

1980s in sociology

The following events related to sociology occurred in the 1980s.


*Raymond Boudon's "" is published.
*Michel Foucault's "Power/Knowledge" is published.
*Richard Sennett's "Authority" is published.


*Raymond Boudon's "" is published.
*Andre Gunder Frank's Crisis in the third world is published.
*Erving Goffman's "Forms of Talk" is published.
*Jürgen Habermas's "The Theory of Communicative Action" is published.
*Thomas Humphrey Marshall's "The Right of Welfare and Other Essays" is published.
*Leslie George Scarman's "" is published.
*Alain Touraine's "La Voix et le Regard" is published.
*Michel Wieviorka establishes the Centre d'Analyses et d'Interventions Sociologique (CADIS)


*Raymond Boudon's and François Bourricaud's "Dictionnaire critique de la sociologie" is published.
*Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies' "" is published.
*Colin Crouch's "" is published.
*Andre Gunder Frank's Dynamics of the Global Crisis is published.
*Edmund Leach's "Social Anthropology" is published.
*Doug McAdam's "Political Process and the Development of the Black Insurgency 1930-1970" is published.
*Ralph Miliband's "Capitalist Democracy in Britain" is published.
*Karl Popper's "Quantum theory and the Schism in Physics" is published.
*Rosalind Williams' "Dream Worlds" is published.
*Erving Goffman serves as president of the American Sociological Association.


*November 19: Erving Goffman


*Benedict Anderson's "Imagined Communities" is published.
*Ernest Gellner's "Nations and Nationalism" is published.
*Ian Hacking's "Representing and Intervening" is published.
*Sandra Harding's and Merrill B. Hintikka's (eds.) "Discovering Reality" is published.
*Sal Restivo's "The Social Relations of Physics, Mysticism, and Mathematics" is published
*Morris Janowitz's "The Reconstruction of Patriotism" is published.
*Jean-François Lyotard's "The Differend" is published.
*Ralph Miliband's "Class, Power and State Power" is published.
*Jean-Luc Nancy's "La communauté désoeuvrée" is published.
*Jean-Luc Nancy's "L'Impératif catégorique" is published.
*Cyril Smith's "" is published.
*Alain Touraine's "" is published.
*Michael Young's "Social scientist as innovator" is published.
*Alice S. Rossi serves as president of the ASA.


*October 17: Raymond Aron


*Andre Gunder Frank's "" is published.
*Anthony Giddens' "The Constitution of Society"
*Christopher Lasch's "The Minimal Self" is published.
*Charles Murray's "" is published.
*Michael Piore's & Charles Sabel's "" is published.
*Roy Wallis' "The Elementary Forms of the New Religious Life" is published.
*Moisés Espírito Santo' "The Portuguese Popular Religion" is published.


*Raymond Aron's "Clausewitz" is published.
*James S. Coleman's "Becoming Adult in a Changing Society" is published.
*Ernest Gellner's "The Psychoanalytic Movement" is published.
*David Harvey's "Consciousness and the Urban Experience" is published.
*Michel Maffesoli's "Shadow of Dionysus" is published.
*Jeffrey Weeks' "Sexuality and its Discontents" is published.
*Viviana Zelizer's "" is published.


*Jean Baudrillard's "America" is published.
*Ulrich Beck's "Risk Society" is published.
*Raymond Boudon's "" is published.
*Amos Hawley's "Human Ecology" is published.
*Gilbert Lewis' "Concepts of Health and Illness in a Sepik Society" is published.
*Michael Mann's "Sources of Social Power" (volume 1) is published.


*James Coleman's "Public and Private High Schools" is published.
*Sandra Harding's "Feminism and Methodology" is published.
*Sandra Harding's and Jean F O'Barr's "Sex and Scientific Inquiry" is published.
*George Homans' "Certainties and Doubts" is published.
*Paul Gilroy's "Ain't No Black in The Union Jack" is published.
*Scott Lash's and John Urry's "The End of organized capitalism" is published.
*The European Amalfi Prize for Sociology and Social Sciences gives its first award to Norbert Elias for his Society of Individuals.


*John Bowlby's "A Secure Base" is published.
*Frances Fox Piven's and Richard Cloward's "Why American's Don't Vote" is published.
*François Furet's, Jacques Julliard's and Pierre Rosanvallon's "" is published.
*Dick Hobbs' "Doing the Business" is published.
*Andrew W. Metcalfe's "" is published.
*Serge Moscovici's "La machine à faire des dieux" is published and wins the European Amalfi Prize for Sociology and Social Sciences.
*Moisés Espírito Santo's "Eastern Origins of the Portuguese Popular Religion Followed of Essay On Old Toponimy" is published.
*Tom Schuller's and Michael Young's [ed.] "Rhythms of society" is published.
*Herbert J. Gans serves as president of the American Sociological Association.


*Zygmunt Bauman's Modernity and the Holocaust is published and wins the European Amalfi Prize for Sociology and Social Sciences.
*Thomas Bottomore's and Richard Brym's (ed.) "The Capitalist Class" is published.
*Raymond Boudon's Analysis of ideology is published.
*Ralph Miliband's "Class Struggle in Contemporary Capitalism" is published.
*Charles Murray's is published.
*Immanuel Wallerstein's The Modern World-System (all volumes) are published.
*Michel Wieviorka's Society and terrorism is published and wins the Bulzoni Editore Special Award.
*Joan Huber serves as president of the ASA.


*May 29: George C. Homans

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