Xterprise Incorporated

Xterprise Incorporated

company_name = Xterprise Incorporated
company_type = Private, Venture Backed
foundation = 2002
location = Carrollton, Texas
industry = Enterprise software
Supply Chain
products = High Definition Enterprise Solutions
num_employees = ~100
homepage = [http://www.xterprise.com/ www.xterprise.com]
key_people = Dean Frew, CEO and Founder
Doug Wallace, COO
Jim Caudill, SVP Mkt and Strategy

Xterprise Incorporated is a global software company that provides business solutions leveraging RFID, RTLS, and Wi-Fi technologies to better manage and optimize inventory, assets, and personnel. The company was founded in 2002 at the Dallas-based start-up incubation firm Incucomm by Dean Frew, formerly of Texas Instruments and GlobeRanger. The company remains private and venture backed today, with Logispring its largest investor.

Mr Frew gained a bit of notoriety in early 2007 when he published a well read rebuttal to an article in the Wall Street journal that was negative on the adoption of RFID technology.

See also

*Enterprise software
*Supply chain management

Market Research

* [http://www.abiresearch.com/products/market_research/RFID_Annual_Market_Overview ABI RFID Annual Market Overview]
* [http://www.rwbaird.com/docs/RFID_Monthly_-_December_2007.pdf RW Baird Monthly Report on RFID Market - December 2007]
* [http://www.xterprise.com/news/partner-releases/amr-release-1007.pdf AMR BizTalk 2006 R2: Early Use Cases for RFID - September 2007]

External links

* [http://www.xterprise.com Xterprise Official Website]
* [http://www.xterprise.com/news/news_events.htm Xterprise News and Events]
* [http://www.logispring.com Logispring – Investor Company’s Site]
* [http://www.logispring.com/news.php/2007/07/16 Logispring - Xterprise expansion into Europe]
* [http://www.incucomm.com Incucomm - Startup Incubation Firm Website]
* [http://www.scdigest.com/assets/newsViews/07-02-22-2.cfm?cid=907&ctype=content Supply Chain Digest - WSJ Rebuttal]
* [http://www.xterprise.com/releases/white-papers/xtp-transforming-whitepaper.pdf The High Definition Enterprise - Xterprise whitepaper] ]

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