Ischnochiton luteoroseus

Ischnochiton luteoroseus

name = "Ischnochiton luteoroseus"
status =
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Mollusca
classis = Polyplacophora
ordo = Neoloricata
subordo = Ischnochitonina
familia = Ischnochitonidae
genus = "Ischnochiton"
species = "I. luteoroseus"
binomial = "Ischnochiton luteoroseus"
binomial_authority = Suter, 1907
synonyms =

"Ischnochiton luteoroseus" is a minute species of chiton in the family Ischnochitonidae.


This species is endemic to New Zealand's Bounty Islands.



The shell is small, -, minutely granulate, and uniformly pink or yellowish, with longitudinal pink bands. The head valve has eleven irregularly disposed slits, and the tail valve has eight.

Length is up to 5 mm, and the width is up to 3 mm.


* Powell A. W. B., "New Zealand Mollusca", William Collins Publishers Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand 1979 ISBN 0-00-216906-1

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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