

A Systempunkt is a point in a system reactive to many small interactions, which through a network of objects in a surrounding environment or network, exhibits a cascading collapse in the specific system and possibly the networked components.

The term is a constructed extrapolation of Blitzkrieg warfare's schwerpunkt, though it is typified by a point in a system, usually one that interacts with some objects in a surrounding environment or network. The effects on the network are more significant than those on the specific object.

Descriptively it has some similarities to Heinz Guderian's adage “Nicht kleckern, klotzen!” (“Don't fiddle, smash!”) though it reverses the intent and effect and intends to actualize cascading events through domino type dependencies. In practice, "Fiddle until it smashes".

It should be considered a superset of simple sabotage. But has a more grandiose objective in the collapse of a dependent network or social order.

A sytempunkt that supported a highly dependent node link graph, would be an example of Black swan theory.

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* [ 15 views of a node link graph]

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