SpaceOrb 360

SpaceOrb 360

The SpaceOrb 360 is a 6-DOF computer input device that is designed to be operated with two hands. It has two right-index-finger buttons and four right-thumb buttons. It interfaces with a computer through an RS-232 serial port using a custom binary protocol. Drivers for the device exist for MS Windows and Linux.

The device was released shortly after the introduction of popular 3-D games such as Descent II and Quake. The SpaceOrb was especially suited for the gameplay of Descent because of the complete freedom-of-motion afforded by its rendering engine. There was strong support for the device in both Quake and Quake II, but the WASD-type keyboard-and-mouse controls eventually became more popular. As of the Half-Life engine (based on the original Quake source), there was specific support for the SpaceOrb's capabilities. A major SpaceOrb-focused website of the time was [ Birdman's Lair] .

It was originally manufactured and sold by the SpaceTec IMC company (first bought by Labtec, which itself was later bought by Logitech). The device is no longer sold nor supported by Logitech. It has been supplanted by more modern devices sold under Logitech's 3Dconnexion brand.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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