Eurekahedge Pte Ltd

Eurekahedge Pte Ltd

Eurekahedge is an independent data provider and research house dedicated to alternative investments. It was founded in 2001 by experienced members of the investment banking community for the hedge fund and investment community. It now has offices in London, New York, Zurich and Hong Kong and is headquartered in Singapore.

Maintaining coverage of over 18,000 funds across all strategies and asset classes, Eurekahedge has a research data suite from which their hedge fund and Islamic fund indices are derived, and also a range of region-specific hedge fund, private equity fund, Islamic fund and real estate fund databases and directories. Their directories serve as a collection of educational guides for both funds and investors.

"Source cited: Eurekahedge's Profile" []

Hedge Fund Databases

The Eurekahedge suite of hedge fund and funds of hedge fund databases: Global Hedge Fund Database North American Hedge Fund Database European Hedge Fund Database Asia Hedge Fund Database Latin American Hedge Fund Database Global Fund of Hedge Funds Database Emerging Markets Hedge Fund Database

Regional Private Equity Databases

The Eurekahedge Global Private Equity Databases are as follow: Global Private Equity Fund Database Asia Private Equity Fund Database European Private Equity Fund Database Middle East Private Equity Fund Database North American Private Equity Fund Database Latin American Private Equity Fund Database Fund of Private Equity Funds Database

Specialist Fund Databases

Long-Only Absolute Return Fund Database Global Islamic Fund Database Real Estate Fund Database Socially Responsible Investment Fund Database *NEW CTA/ Managed Futures Fund Database 130/30 Enhanced Equity Fund Database


Eurekahedge has over 200 alternative indices which include sub-indices by regions, strategies and fund sizes. Their indices are updated on a daily basis and serves as a benchmarking tool. Indices are quotable on reports and websites and are free to download.

Useful articles

An archive of articles, ranging from year 2002 till date, could also be found on Eurekahedge website. []

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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