379 Huenna

379 Huenna

Minor Planet
name=379 Huenna
discoverer=Auguste Charlois
discovery_date=January 8, 1894
designations=1894 AQ; A895 DB; A911 BA; 1948 XM
category=Main belt (Themis)
epoch=November 26, 2005 (JD 2453700.5)
semimajor=468.247 Gm (3.130 AU)
perihelion=378.674 Gm (2.531 AU)
aphelion=557.820 Gm (3.729 AU)
period=2022.660 d (5.54 a)
speed=16.68 km/s
dimensions=92.3±1.7 km [http://www.johnstonsarchive.net/astro/astmoons/am-00379.html]
mass=4.8×1017 kg
density=1.2 g/cm³ [http://www.johnstonsarchive.net/astro/astmoons/am-00379.html]
gravity=0.0150 m/s²
escape_velocity=0.0372 km/s
rotation=0.2926 d (7.022 h) [http://www.johnstonsarchive.net/astro/astmoons/am-00379.html]
temperature=~159 K

379 Huenna is a rather large Main belt asteroid. It is classified as a C-type asteroid and is probably composed of carbonaceous material.

It was discovered by Auguste Charlois on January 8, 1894 in Nice. It is named after the Swedish island of Hven, the site of two observatories.

A satellite, 7 km across and designated S/2003 (379) 1, was discovered on August 14, 2003 by Jean-Luc Margot using the Keck II adaptive optics telescope at Mauna Kea. The moon orbits 3400±11 km away in 80.8±0.36 d with an eccentricity of 0.334±0.075 [http://www.johnstonsarchive.net/astro/astmoons/am-00379.html] .

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