Infobox Book
name = Escape

image_caption = Frontcover of the Monsoon Books edition of Escape, designed by Sin É Design, photograph copyright©Magnum Photos
author = David McMillan (smuggler)
country = United Kingdom
language = English
genre = True crime, nonfiction
publisher = Monsoon Books
release_date = 15 May 2007
media_type = Print (Paperback)
Career smuggler David McMillan is arrested in Bangkok’s Chinatown and soon finds himself with other Western inmates among over 6,000 Thai locals in Klong Prem prison on remand for charges linked to an abandoned 200 grams of heroin at the city’s airport.In his narrative, McMillan speaks of the over 180 Europeans and other foreigners from almost every country who expect, and eventually get, sentences of death or between 25 and 50 years in prison. The stories of these failed smugglers amount to half of the book for little time is spent recounting the usual clichés of the horrors of Asian prisons.

The balance of the book is taken with the countless plans for the author’s escape, most abandoned as too dangerous or comical but several dropped as many of McMillan’s cellmates withdraw from the schemes as the grisly fates of those who fail are revealed.The style of Escape is closer to that of a novel than a diary or memoir. Although most of the events were reported at the time (in the late 1990s) McMillan has remarked on a Thai blog interview with Richard Barrow that he wrote Escape in this style, ‘so that each reader may come to know things as I did, suddenly and often mysteriously’.Although he was never caught, several people thought to be McMillan have been mistakenly arrested while passing through Bangkok airport, and it is known that he was briefly held in a Karachi jail some years later following another arrest. This, and other events that followed the escape, are reported by Andrew Drummond in the Thai daily referenced below and later in the London Evening Standard, and include references to the 1982 helicopter escape attempt with which McMillan was charged and later stood trial.Escape is fast-paced with many intriguing characters and McMillan makes no excuses for himself as he uses everything and everyone to gain his freedom while giving much insight into the smuggler’s life.The edition of 2008 includes sketches by the author of material said to be used in the escape, and a photograph of McMillan.

External links

Interview with Richard Barrow on Thai blogs. []

The One Who Got Away by Andrew Drummond in The Nation. []


ISBN 9781845963453

Paperback: 320 pages Royal OctavoPublisher: Mainstream Publishing (3 Jul 2008) Random House [] Amazon listing [] Language English IllustrationsISBN-10: 1845963458 ISBN-13: 978-1845963453

ISBN 9789810575687

Pub Date: May 2007Paperback (B format) 288ppMonsoon Books [] Pte Ltd 52 Telok Blangah RoadTelok Blangah HouseSingapore 098829

ee also

Helicopter prison escapes

*Smuggling in literature

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  • Escape — may refer to: * Escape (hold), a maneuver used to exit a wrestling or grappling hold * Escapism, mental diversion by means of entertainment or recreation * Escapology, the study and practice of escaping from physical restraints * Prison escape,… …   Wikipedia

  • escape — vb 1 Escape, flee, fly, decamp, abscond mean to run away especially from something which limits one s freedom or threatens one s well being. Escape so stresses the idea of flight from confinement or restraint that it very often conveys no… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Escape — Es*cape , n. 1. The act of fleeing from danger, of evading harm, or of avoiding notice; deliverance from injury or any evil; flight; as, an escape in battle; a narrow escape; also, the means of escape; as, a fire escape. [1913 Webster] I would… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • escape — sustantivo masculino 1. Salida o solución a una situación comprometida: Está rodeado, sin posibilidad de escape. Buscó un escape para no responder a las acusaciones. 2. Salida de un líquido o un gas por un orificio o una grieta del recipiente que …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • escape — [ ɛskap ] n. f. • 1567; lat. scapus « fût » ♦ Archit. 1 ♦ Partie inférieure du fût d une colonne, voisine de la base. 2 ♦ (1611) Fût d une colonne, de la base au chapiteau. ● escape nom féminin ou escap nom masculin Faire ou donner e …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • escape — verb and noun. There are three significant 20c uses, the first two of the verb and the third of the noun: 1. In intransitive use (without an object), to describe astronauts overcoming gravity and leaving the earth s atmosphere: • A spaceship will …   Modern English usage

  • escape — es·cape 1 vi es·caped, es·cap·ing: to depart from lawful custody with the intent of avoiding confinement or the administration of justice escape 2 n 1: an act or instance of escaping 2: the criminal offense of escaping Merriam Webster’s… …   Law dictionary

  • Escape — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Escape es la acción o efecto de escapar El escape, en psicología, forma parte, junto con la evitación, de un procedimiento básico del condicionamiento instrumental. Este procedimiento se conoce también como… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Escape — Escape: Escape  управляющая клавиша компьютерной клавиатуры; «Escape»  альбом американской рок группы Journey 1981 года; «Escape»  альбом испанского поп певца Энрике Иглесиаса 2001 года. См. также Escape последовательность… …   Википедия

  • escape — 1. m. Acción de escapar o escaparse. 2. Fuga de un gas o de un líquido. 3. Fuga apresurada con que alguien se libra de recibir el daño que le amenaza. 4. En los motores de explosión, salida de los gases quemados. 5. Tubo que conduce estos gases… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

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