Phthiria relativitae

Phthiria relativitae

name = "Phthiria relativitae"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Insecta
subclassis = Pterygota
infraclassis = Neoptera
superordo = Endopterygota|
ordo = Diptera
subordo = Brachycera
infraordo = Asilomorpha
superfamilia = Asiloidea
familia = Bombyliidae
subfamilia = Phthiriinae
genus = "Phthiria"
species = "P. relativitae"
binomial = "Phthiria relativitae"
binomial_authority = Evenhuis, 1985

"Phthiria relativitae" is a fly of the family Bombyliidae, subfamily Phthiriinae, that is found in the American Southwest. Its name is a joke, phonetically resembling "theory of relativity" in some accents [cite news |title=A Fly Called Iyaiyai |url= |author=Susan Milius |date=2006-05-26 |publisher=Science News] . It was discovered by Neal Evenhuis. Evenhuis later had to change the species' name to "Poecilognathus relativitae" to more accurately represent its taxonomyFact|date=August 2007.


*cite journal|pages=17| journal=Discover| title="Phthiria relativitae"| month=August| year=2007

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