

Infobox Software
name = Me.dium

caption = Me.dium running on Firefox on Windows Vista
developer = Medium, Inc.
released = ?
frequently_updated = yes
programming language = ?
operating system = Cross-platform
language = English
genre = Firefox Extension, IE7 Plugin, Songbird
license = Freeware, Proprietary
website =

Me.dium is a Firefox, Internet Explorer 7, Internet Explorer 8, Songbird, and Flock extension that allows users to socially browse the web and communicate with others in real time. The goal is to reveal the People Dimension of the web by showing you the movements of friends and others around you online. It connects Me.dium users with each other, based on their web surfing habits. [ [ The Denver Post - Me.dium is the message ] ]

A demo of Me.dium by Robert Scoble is [ here] .


Me.dium was founded by David Mandell, Robert Reich and Peter Newcomb in July 2005 [ [ Medium Makes Web Browsing Social - GigaOM ] ] . The Boulder-based company has obtained funding from sources such as Spark Capital, Commonwealth Capital Ventures, Appian Ventures, Brad Feld, and CEO Kimbal Musk [ [ Boulder County Business Report - Online! ] ] .


On August 6th, 2007, Me.dium released widgets that allow you to integrate the 'Me.dium radar' into your own website.


* Me.dium won the [ Webware 100] best web applications for Communications in 2007 []
* Me.dium is a recommended add-on for Firefox [ [ Me.dium :: Firefox Add-ons ] ]
* Me.dium is a recommended add-on for Internet Explorer 7 [ [ Windows Marketplace: Product details for Me.dium For Internet Explorer ] ]
* Me.dium is a recommended add-on for Flock [ [ Flock Browser - Addons | Flock ] ]


There are 3 privacy settings available on Me.dium and are pretty self explanatory:
* visible to all
* visible to friends
* visible to no one


See also

* Mozilla Firefox
* List of Firefox extensions
* Social network service

External links

* [ Me.dium Home]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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