Synoptic philosophy

Synoptic philosophy

Synoptic philosophy comes from the Greek words "sun-optikos", (“seeing everything together,”) and together with the word philosophy, means the love of wisdom emerging from a coherent understanding of everything together. [Christian, J. L. (1998). "Philosophy: An Introduction to the Art of Wondering". Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace College Publishers. [ ISBN 0155055925 9780155055926] ]

Synoptic philosophy is simply a synthetic worldview embracing both thesis and antithesis such as analysis and synthesis, action and reaction, explication and implication, phenomenon and noumenon, visible and invisible, just to name a few. As such, it may be compared to the Janus' extrovert and introvert vision, or the view on the iceberg having the one-ninth surfaced tip and the eight-ninths submerged mass.

Phenomenology, attempting to bracket egocentrism, appears to be more synoptic than analytic philosophy, logical atomism and logical positivism. Wilfrid Sellars (1962) used the term 'synoptic'. [Wilfrid Sellars (1962) "Philosophy and the Scientific Image of Man," in: Robert Colodny, ed., "Frontiers of Science and Philosophy", Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, pp. 35-78. Reprinted in "Science, Perception and Reality" (1963).] , [Jay F. Rosenberg (1990) "Fusing the
] The Anglo-American philosophy made a synoptic, synthetic turn explicitly during the last quarter of the last century, giving birth or rebirth to absolute idealism, phenomenology, poststructuralism, psychologism, historicism, contextualism, holism, and the like.



Cosmos and chaos

Changing and unchanging worlds

Phenomenon and noumenon

Phenomenon and Spirit

A posteriori and a priori

Analytic-synthetic distinction

Analysis and synthesis

Information, prior and posterior probabilities

Inductive and deductive reasoning

Subjectivity, intersubjectivity and objectivity

Close reading vs. reader response

Extraversion and introversion

Attention and intention

Impressionsim and expressionism

Emic and etic

Ethnocentrism and cultural relativism

Empiricism and rationalism

Experience and Immanence

Explication and implication

Explicit and implicit meaning

: "See also: Figure of speech"

Explicature and implicature

: See also: Direct and indirect speech acts, Relevance theory

Explicit and implicit knowledge

Explicate and implicate order

Sciences and humanities

: "See also: A Guide for the Perplexed"

Manifest and scientific images

Manifest and latent functions

Manifest and latent variables

Vertical and lateral thinking

Thin and thick descriptions

Prescription and description

Mimesis and diegesis

Causalist vs. descriptivist reference theory

Direct vs. mediated reference theory

De dicto and de re

: "See also: de se (philosophy)"

Historical narratives and revisionism

Being in the world

Great chain of being

Structure and superstructure

Macrostructure and microstructure

Holon and holarchy

Atomism and holism

Man and machine

Individual and community

: "See also: Sense of community, Communities of Practice"

Biology and ecology

Nature and nurture

Genotype and phenotype

Gene and Nature

Meme and culture

Keyword and culture

Keyword in context

Keyword within and without

Text, intertext and hypertext

Text, subtext and context

Synopsis and text

Theme and rheme

Topic and comment

Subject and predicate

Substance and attribute

Denotation and connotation

Reference and sense

Object and concept

Genus and differentia

Intersection and difference

Individual and universal

Extension and intension

Extensional and intensional definition

Reductionism and contextualism

: "See also: Abstraction, Occam's razor, Scientific model, Parsimony, simplicity Minimalism, Greedy reductionism, complexity, Complex system, Chaos theory"

Content and context

Information retrieval and information mess

Yang and Yin

Thesis and antithesis

Wave and particle theories

Hidden variable theory

Local realism and nonlocality

Determinism vs. indeterminism

Action and reaction

Social action and social interaction

Stimulus and response

See also

* Absolute idealism
* Phenomenology
* Poststructuralism
* Holism
* Contextualism
* Psychologism
* Social constructivism
* New Historicism
* Systems thinking


External links

* [ Wilfrid Sellars (1962) Philosophy and the Scientific Image of Man]
* [ Jay F. Rosenberg (1990) Fusing the
* [ Introduction: Lawrence Durrell, Text, Hypertext, Intertext]

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