Shashlik (physics)

Shashlik (physics)

In high energy physics detectors, shashlik refers to a pile of alternating slices of absorber (e.g. lead) and scintillator materials (crystal or plastic) used in calorimetry. [ [ Calorimeter ] ] The absorber has a small interaction length, so that a particle radiates energy in a short track. The scintillator material produces visible light when transversed by the particle's radiated energy. This occurs with an electromagnetic calorimeter, in the form of photons and/or electron+positron pairs. The energy of the particle may be then measured by the intensity of scintillation light produced by the various scintillator slices. An example detector that uses a shashlik electromagnetic calorimeter is the LHCb detector. [ [ LHCb calorimeter technical design report] ]

This type of calorimeter was likely named after the shashlik, a popular form of shish kebab sold by street vendors in the former Soviet Union by the Russian and Ukrainian scientists who first proposed it. []


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