

Kondanagula is a village in Mahbubnagar district, India located 8 km from the town of Achampet. The village is known by its Government Degree college (sri umamaheshwara degre college) The village also has schools from primary to underagradaute level. The population demographics contains mostly of Hindus and Muslims. The people of the village shuttles to nearby town achampet for their business and personal needs.

Agriculture is the common occupation of the people in the village and no significant industries can be seen inside the village The agriculture products mainly include paddy, maize, groundnuts and milk etc. The village is surrounded by small villages bilakal, banala and few more small villages .A part of population also depend on forest reserves for there livilehood.The village is no differernt from any indian urban where people are migrating from village to cities in past decade the problem moving younger genartions to urban areas would create some imbalance in healthy community there no sign of government providing some employment opputunities in rural india to directly or indirectly keep uniform distribution of population .

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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